las vegas, nevada


THIS WEEK. One of the best on tour, to date. After a long (and eventful) travel day from Grand Junction, all 100 of us, fully changed and dressed-to-impress (kinda:), unloaded our two busses and were greeted by a full-out marching band at Desert Oasis High School. It was such an energetic welcome, much needed after a ten hour bus ride. After lugging in our suitcases and getting settled before our host families arrived, I grabbed my allo card and was told I’d be hosted with three other girls, all from different countries, none of whom I knew very well at the time. Little did I know they would become some of my closest friends on tour that week :)


Finally, it was about six o’clock, time for host pick up. Again, those feelings rushed back through - would I like them?! Would I get along well with my roommates? Four girls was a lot, I had only ever had one other roommate, or solo. Nonetheless, I was very excited. The “host codes” that week were Vegas-themed, so all host families arrived with big signs with their host-code written on it in some creative way. Ours was “Planet Hollywood.” We then spotted the sign and went to greet our new family. Our host mom, Jackie had on a Patriots sweatshirt and hat, and I was immediately thrilled. Seeing those little pieces of home every now and then was so comforting. Aaron and Jackie helped all four of us get our luggage, and we made our way back home, stopping on the way for dinner. We talked, got to know each other over dinner, and then drove back to their home. Aaron and Jackie had three lil dogs and kids who didn’t live at home. They showed us their daughter’s dance studio, separate from the house, where we would be staying for the week. We were so dang excited. A disco ball, a trampoline and hot tub right outside, and the kindest host parents we could’ve asked for. We’d been here maybe an hour and were already loving this week. People that make you feel at home are people to keep close by <3 The four of us sat in the hot tub for hours that night, just getting to know each other and soaking in the fact that we were in Vegasssss baby. I was so excited to have these three as my roomies.


Today I helped with Admissions. It was my first time doing admissions, and I fell in love with it. Helping lead classroom workshops for high schoolers, leading an activity called “Take A Stand,” and opening up the space for these students to talk about important issues today was a powerful thing, and I loved every minute of it. I did my first interview with a student applying to the program. After our workshops at the school, the small group of us had the rest of the day to explore downtown Vegas. We got back to our facility and sat outside in the sun - enjoying this beautiful west coast weather. Blessed is an understatement.



Thursday our host family let us have a full cast and staff party at their house. Not only did they allow over eighty people into their home, but they bought balloons, food and decorations for the night. It was such a fun night in their yard, swimming in their pool and eating hella good food. The whole cast loved our host family, and was so thankful for this night. Again - complete and utter selflessness - these people did this for the four of us and our entire program out of the goodness of their hearts. I was amazed and just insanely grateful.



Friday we were given the opportunity to visit a Cirque du Soleil rehearsal of Michael Jackson “One.” We watched performers rehearse for their show that night and were able to do a Q&A with them afterwards. After that amazing day, we went downtown to Fremont Street that night, all six of us and Jackie and Aaron’s son, JT. They gave us the full experience. We went into casinos and Carmen played (sucks being under 21!!), we watched street performers, got dinner, and walked around all night. It sounds so cliché, but I really felt so alive. I had just spent the last three, now almost four weeks with four different families, and five different roommates, in a different city each week. I was just so freakin happy. Exhausted and overwhelmed at times, yes - but so truly happy with my life. This week was a dream, and I owed it all to my incredible host family, my REAL FAMILY and of course my wonderful roomies.


Saturday morning, Aaron invited all four of us to skip our morning activities with the cast, and come talk about Up With People on his live radio talk show he hosted every Saturday morning. We got to see the studio, meet his coworkers, and promote what UWP is on the radio - it was such a cool experience. After we were done, Jackie drove us to the school to set up for our show that night. My dad, Liv and Nannie & Papa came to visit this weekend. They saw the show, met my host family (worlds colliding) and also got to meet Sophie’s family too! I was so happy to have everyone together in one place, experiencing this crazy new world. After the show, I went back to the hotel with my fam, and explored Vegas at night all over again with them:) We spent the next morning together before my dad and Liv dropped me back off for brunch and the rest of my final day with our host family. I hugged them goodbye with tears in my eyes - as much as I adored this life I was living, having them there and just feeling that piece of home was what I needed. The thought of not seeing them for another few months (though I was crazy lucky to have them visit every couple of months. Lmao mom). We spent the rest of the day exploring more of Vegas, eating really good food and seeing the city lit up late into the night. I was gonna miss this place, and these incredible people. I felt so comfortable here, and the week I had was full of firsts. One of my most memorable on tour :)



So much love to Aaron, Jackie and JT for being some of the craziest, coolest and most genuine people I had the pleasure of getting to know during my year on the road. I miss you people so much!!

Next stop: Modesto, California

xx, Anna