A little bit about me.

My name is Anna and I'm from Bridgewater, MA. I’ve grown up with an older sister, a younger brother, my mom and dad, and quite a couple of doggos. I had quite the perfect childhood. In the third grade, my mom made the decision to take us out of the public school systems and begin homeschooling. I think it might've been one of the best things that has ever happened for me. Throughout my years of homeschooling (third grade all through high school), I had the opportunity to pick and choose my own classes and study specific subjects I'm interested in. Having this freedom has been nothing short of amazing for me.

A big hobby of mine is travel. After spending a week in Malawi, an impoverished country on the east coast of Africa, I came home with an insane urge to just see as many new places as I could. That week in Malawi was spent visiting schools, farms and communities, learning firsthand about the work an NGO called Concern Worldwide was doing to aid the inhabitants. I met some of the most kindhearted and genuine people in one of the poorest countries in the world. This fact still amazes me to this day, and I spent the entire summer asking myself the same question: “How do people here live more happily than back at home, with close to nothing?” I then realized that ‘nothing” just actually meant a hell of a lot less materialistic items, and a hell of a lot more love, compassion and presence in day to day life. The summer of 2017 was when I knew that travel would surely become a big part of my life.

I took a gap year after high school to travel with an organization called Up With People. About four months into my travels and life on the road, my gap year turned to gap yearS. In my year “off” I was able to visit 10 different countries, and 30+ cities around the US, Mexico, Canada and Europe. I graduated from Lesley University in 2022 with my B.A. in Environmental Studies, and a minor in Communication & Media Studies, and a year later graduated with my M.B.A. from Lesley. I work full time as a Staff Assistant at Harvard University and thrive working a hybrid schedule, giving me lots of time to work on fun house projects in my new home. I like to think. of myself as a “multi-potentialite,” or someone who is genuinely curious about anything and everything — always willing to learn. Right now I am filling my (little) free time with my new(!) health coaching business, freelance content curation gigs, endless home projects, and a 2-year-old german shepherd who requires 90% of my attention, 24/7.

Here’s a reminder to never stop learning. We weren’t built to fit into a box and only pursue one passion.

The amount of times I’ve changed the “About Me” page on this blog just goes to show I really don’t have it all figured out, but I’m so okay with that.

Welcome to my journey. 

xx, Anna